Gwirfoddoli mew cartrefi gofal – cynllun peilot byrdymor an chynlluniau hirdymor


Mae Age Cymru yn datblygu model ymarfer ar gyfer gwirfoddoli mewn cartrefi gofal. Mae cynllun peilot byrdymor yn canolbwyntio ar gefnogi cyswllt rhwng preswylwyr a theuluoedd fel mae cyfyngiadau Covid yn caniatáu. Bydd yn cynhyrchu canllawiau a chynllun gwerthuso myfyriol i’w defnyddio’n ehangach, ac i gefnogi’r gwaith o ddatblygu mentrau mwy hirdymor, gan gynnwys cydweithio rhwng mudiadau a sectorau.
Bydd y sesiwn yma’n cynnwys nifer o ddulliau rhyngweithiol i alluogi cyfranogwyr i archwilio a rhannu syniadau am sut olwg sydd ar wirfoddoli effeithiol mewn cartrefi gofal, pwy fydd yn profi’r manteision, a sut gellid ei gynnal a’i gefnogi.


Dydd Iau 1 Gorffennaf   2 – 3 yp. Cofrestwch yma


Volunteering in Care homes  - a short term pilot and long term plans


Age Cymru is developing a model of practice for volunteering in care homes. A short term pilot is focussing on supporting contact between residents and families as Covid restrictions allow. It will produce guidance and reflective evaluation for wider use and to support the development of longer term initiatives, including collaborative working between organisations and sectors.
This session will involve a number of interactive approaches to enable participants to explore and share ideas about what effective volunteering in care homes might look like, who benefits and how it can be sustained and supported.


Thursday 1 July 2 – 3 pm. Register here