Hyfforddiant Gofal Cymdeithasol Caerdydd/ Cardiff Social Care Training

Dementia Training Calendar 2023/24

June 2023 – March 2024

Should you require further information regarding upcoming training, please contact –

Internal Candidates

Catrin Davies – [email protected]

External Candidates:

Sian Hendley - [email protected]

Julie Lever -  [email protected]

The Training and Development Team can be contacted on 02920 871 11 11

All sessions listed below are available to both Internal and External staff

If you would like to book training, and are not employed by Cardiff Council, you will first need to be provided with access to Learning Pool. Please complete the setup form below and return to the following mailbox [email protected]

jUNE 2023                                                             MEHEFIN 2023

Cognitive Stimulation using the CST approach


Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Tuesday 20th June 12 until 2pm 

Course description:

• Overview of the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

• Stimulating Activity Ideas based on the CST ethos.

• Tips and Techniques that will help you to run your own engaging activity sessions



‘Carers Count’ Dementia training


Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have any issues booking e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Wednesday 21st June 

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

9am – 12 pm

3 hour classroom based course





Course description:

·         To explore and understand more about the experiences of family carers who are caring for someone living with dementia.

·         To consider the impact that caring for someone with dementia has on family carers and to think about what we can do to support them.


Meaningful Engagement

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide care support to people living with dementia across Health, Social Care or Third Sector care settings.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Wednesday 21st June 

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

1pm until 4 pm

3 hour classroom based course



·         To explore the importance of meaningful engagement with a person living with dementia.

·         To understand how to plan and adapt activities for both individuals with dementia and groups.

·         Be able to generate ideas for purposeful engagement.


Barbara’s Story

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide care support to people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.

Good Work Framework for Wales - Skilled level


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Monday 26th June

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

9am - 1pm




Course Description:  This ½ day programme utilises ‘Barbara’s Story’ to explore attitudes towards dementia outlined in the Good Work framework for Wales at skilled level. 

The session follows Barbara through her connections with services and individuals. We will explore how we engage and value older people and how this can impact well-being and sense of self.


People Centred Approach to Dementia

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Wednesday 28th June

9:30 – 11:30

Course Description

• Overview of person-centred care for someone with dementia

• Introduction to the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy and Reminiscence Therapy

• To equip staff with person centred activities

• To provide practical support on implementing activities


One in a Million

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines including volunteers and third sector partners.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Wednesday 28th June  

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

9am until 12pm

Classroom based






The one in a million session embraces the learning competencies outlined in the Good Work framework for Wales at informed level.

Informed people understand what dementia is and how it affects a person with dementia and those around them. They also understand how to communicate effectively.





July 2023                                                            GORFFENNAF 2023

Communication Strategies

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Friday 7th July

1pm until 3pm   


Course Description

• Overview of communication issues in dementia

• Communication tips and ideas for care home environments

• Understanding behaviours and how to respond

• Dealing with distress

• Communication methods to try


Creating a Dementia Friendly Environment

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Friday 14th July 10 until 12

Course Description

• Tips for adapting the home

• How to create a safe home for someone with dementia

• Simple adaptations to make a home more comfortable

·         Creating a dementia-friendly environment


Cognitive Stimulation using the CST approach

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Monday 17th July 12 until 2pm 

Course description:

• Overview of the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

• Stimulating Activity Ideas based on the CST ethos.

• Tips and Techniques that will help you to run your own engaging activity sessions



Building Dementia skills 3-day Programme

Staff are required to have previous attended either the ‘one in a million’ informed session or an equivalent. Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciples that provide care support to people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


17,18,19th July 2023

9.30 to 4.30

Classroom based

Jubilee Room, Sports and Social Club, University Hospital of Wales (UHW- Heath). Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4XW

Location of Jubilee sports and social club room-






This 3-day programme utilises several learning competencies outlined in the Good Work framework for Wales at skilled level. 

The programme is covers:

Day 1- Well-being and dementia

Day 2 – Communication and dementia PAC Skills

Day 3 – Interpreting behaviour in dementia care

Attendees will be introduced to practical skills using Positive approaches to Care (PAC)

Explore how to engage people living with dementia as individuals, support their skills and have awareness on how to respond to stress and distress.

*Attendees will be expected to attend all days to complete the course.




One in a Million

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines including volunteers and third sector partners.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Friday 21 July 

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

9am until 12pm

Classroom based






The one in a million session embraces the learning competencies outlined in the Good Work framework for Wales at informed level.

Informed people understand what dementia is and how it affects a person with dementia and those around them. They also understand how to communicate effectively.


‘Carers Count’ Dementia training


Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Wednesday 26th July

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

9am – 12 pm

3 hour classroom based course





Course description:

·         To explore and understand more about the experiences of family carers who are caring for someone living with dementia.

·         To consider the impact that caring for someone with dementia has on family carers and to think about what we can do to support them.


Meaningful Engagement

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide care support to people living with dementia across Health, Social Care or Third Sector care settings.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Wednesday 26th July

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

1pm until 4 pm

3 hour classroom based course





·         To explore the importance of meaningful engagement with a person living with dementia.

·         To understand how to plan and adapt activities for both individuals with dementia and groups.

·         Be able to generate ideas for purposeful engagement.


Barbara’s Story

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide care support to people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.

Good Work Framework for Wales - Skilled level


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Monday 31st July ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room.

University Hospital Llandough

9am - 1pm




Course Description:  This ½ day programme utilises ‘Barbara’s Story’ to explore attitudes towards dementia outlined in the Good Work framework for Wales at skilled level. 

The session follows Barbara through her connections with services and individuals. We will explore how we engage and value older people and how this can impact well-being and sense of self.






August 2023                                                       AWST 2023

‘Carers Count’ Dementia training


Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Wednesday 2nd August 

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

9am – 12 pm

3 hour classroom based course





Course description:

·         To explore and understand more about the experiences of family carers who are caring for someone living with dementia.

·         To consider the impact that caring for someone with dementia has on family carers and to think about what we can do to support them.


Meaningful Engagement

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide care support to people living with dementia across Health, Social Care or Third Sector care settings.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Wednesday 2nd August

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

1pm until 4 pm

3 hour classroom based course





·         To explore the importance of meaningful engagement with a person living with dementia.

·         To understand how to plan and adapt activities for both individuals with dementia and groups.

·         Be able to generate ideas for purposeful engagement.


Barbara’s Story

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide care support to people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.

Good Work Framework for Wales - Skilled level


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Wednesday 30th August - assessment, and recovery conference room.

University Hospital Llandough

9am - 1pm




Course Description:  This ½ day programme utilises ‘Barbara’s Story’ to explore attitudes towards dementia outlined in the Good Work framework for Wales at skilled level. 

The session follows Barbara through her connections with services and individuals. We will explore how we engage and value older people and how this can impact well-being and sense of self.


One in a Million

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines including volunteers and third sector partners.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Thursday 31st August  

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

1pm until 4pm

Classroom based






The one in a million session embraces the learning competencies outlined in the Good Work framework for Wales at informed level.

Informed people understand what dementia is and how it affects a person with dementia and those around them. They also understand how to communicate effectively.



September 2023                                                  MEDI 2023

People Centred Approach to Dementia

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Tuesday 5th September

9:30 – 11:30

Course Description

• Overview of person-centred care for someone with dementia

• Introduction to the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy and Reminiscence Therapy

• To equip staff with person centred activities

• To provide practical support on implementing activities


Building Dementia skills 3-day Programme

Staff are required to have previous attended either the ‘one in a million’ informed session or an equivalent. Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciples that provide care support to people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


12,19,26th September 2023

9.30 to 4.30

Classroom based

Jubilee Room, Sports and Social Club, University Hospital of Wales (UHW- Heath). Heath Park, Cardiff CF14 4XW

Location of Jubilee sports and social club room-






This 3-day programme utilises several learning competencies outlined in the Good Work framework for Wales at skilled level. 

The programme is covers:

Day 1- Well-being and dementia

Day 2 – Communication and dementia PAC Skills

Day 3 – Interpreting behaviour in dementia care

Attendees will be introduced to practical skills using Positive approaches to Care (PAC)

Explore how to engage people living with dementia as individuals, support their skills and have awareness on how to respond to stress and distress.

*Attendees will be expected to attend all days to complete the course.




Communication Strategies

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Wednesday 13th September

1pm until 3pm  


Course Description

• Overview of communication issues in dementia

• Communication tips and ideas for care home environments

• Understanding behaviours and how to respond

• Dealing with distress

• Communication methods to try


Barbara’s Story

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide care support to people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.

Good Work Framework for Wales - Skilled level


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Monday 18th September  - assessment, and recovery conference room.

University Hospital Llandough

9am - 1pm




Course Description:  This ½ day programme utilises ‘Barbara’s Story’ to explore attitudes towards dementia outlined in the Good Work framework for Wales at skilled level. 

The session follows Barbara through her connections with services and individuals. We will explore how we engage and value older people and how this can impact well-being and sense of self.


Creating a Dementia Friendly Environment

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Thursday 21st September

10am until 12

Course Description

• Tips for adapting the home

• How to create a safe home for someone with dementia

• Simple adaptations to make a home more comfortable

·         Creating a dementia-friendly environment


‘Carers Count’ Dementia training


Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Wednesday 27th September

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

9am – 12 pm

3 hour classroom based course




Course description:

·         To explore and understand more about the experiences of family carers who are caring for someone living with dementia.

·         To consider the impact that caring for someone with dementia has on family carers and to think about what we can do to support them.


Meaningful Engagement

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide care support to people living with dementia across Health, Social Care or Third Sector care settings.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]


Wednesday 27th September

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

1pm until 4 pm

3 hour classroom based course





·         To explore the importance of meaningful engagement with a person living with dementia.

·         To understand how to plan and adapt activities for both individuals with dementia and groups.

·         Be able to generate ideas for purposeful engagement.


One in a Million

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines including volunteers and third sector partners.


How to Apply:

Please see the booking information at the beginning of this calendar and use their direct booking system, if you have

any issues booking please e mail    [email protected]


 Additional Information:

For further information or administration queries on the content of this course please contact

The Dementia learning and development team – [email protected]

Thursday 28th September  

ARU - assessment, and recovery conference room. University Hospital Llandough

9am until 12 pm

Classroom based




The one in a million session embraces the learning competencies outlined in the Good Work framework for Wales at informed level.

Informed people understand what dementia is and how it affects a person with dementia and those around them. They also understand how to communicate effectively.




Low cost Reminiscence Therapy

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Friday 29th September 12 until 2pm

Overview of reminiscence therapy

• Interactive session with numerous ideas of reminiscence activities

• Practical support on how to implement the activities and create your own





october 2023                                                     HYDREF 2023

Name of Course


Date and Venue


People Centred Approach to Dementia

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Monday 2nd October 10am until 12

Course Description

• Overview of person-centred care for someone with dementia

• Introduction to the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy and Reminiscence Therapy

• To equip staff with person centred activities

• To provide practical support on implementing activities


Communication Strategies

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Tuesday 10th October 12 until 2 pm 


Course Description

• Overview of communication issues in dementia

• Communication tips and ideas for care home environments

• Understanding behaviours and how to respond

• Dealing with distress

• Communication methods to try


Creating a Dementia Friendly Environment

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Wednesday 18th October

9.30 to 11.30

Course Description

• Tips for adapting the home

• How to create a safe home for someone with dementia

• Simple adaptations to make a home more comfortable

·         Creating a dementia-friendly environment


Cognitive Stimulation using the CST approach

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Thursday 26th October

1pm until 3pm  

Course description:

• Overview of the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

• Stimulating Activity Ideas based on the CST ethos.

• Tips and Techniques that will help you to run your own engaging activity sessions






NOVEMBER 2023                                                   TACHWEDD 2023

Name of Course


Date and Venue


Low cost Reminiscence Therapy

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Friday 10th November 10am until 12 

Overview of reminiscence therapy

• Interactive session with numerous ideas of reminiscence activities

• Practical support on how to implement the activities and create your own


Communication Strategies

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Monday 13th November

12 until 2 pm

Course Description

• Overview of communication issues in dementia

• Communication tips and ideas for care home environments

• Understanding behaviours and how to respond

• Dealing with distress

• Communication methods to try


Creating a Dementia Friendly Environment

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Wednesday 21st November

9.30 to 11.30

Course Description

• Tips for adapting the home

• How to create a safe home for someone with dementia

• Simple adaptations to make a home more comfortable

·         Creating a dementia-friendly environment


Cognitive Stimulation using the CST approach

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Wednesday 29th November

1pm until 3pm

Course description:

• Overview of the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

• Stimulating Activity Ideas based on the CST ethos.

• Tips and Techniques that will help you to run your own engaging activity sessions






december 2023                                                    rhagfyr 2023

Name of Course


Date and Venue


Low cost Reminiscence Therapy

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Thursday 7th December 9.30 to 11.30 am

Overview of reminiscence therapy

• Interactive session with numerous ideas of reminiscence activities

• Practical support on how to implement the activities and create your own


People Centred Approach to Dementia

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Friday 15th December

12 until 2pm

Course Description

• Overview of person-centred care for someone with dementia

• Introduction to the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy and Reminiscence Therapy

• To equip staff with person centred activities

• To provide practical support on implementing activities


Creating a Dementia Friendly Environment

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Monday 18th December

10am until 12


Course Description

• Tips for adapting the home

• How to create a safe home for someone with dementia

• Simple adaptations to make a home more comfortable

·         Creating a dementia-friendly environment




January 2024                                                       Ionawr 2024

Name of Course


Date and Venue


Cognitive Stimulation using the CST approach

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Tuesday 9th January

12 until 2pm 

Course description:

• Overview of the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

• Stimulating Activity Ideas based on the CST ethos.

• Tips and Techniques that will help you to run your own engaging activity sessions



People Centred Approach to Dementia

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Wednesday 17th January 9.30 to 11.30

Course Description

• Overview of person-centred care for someone with dementia

• Introduction to the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy and Reminiscence Therapy

• To equip staff with person centred activities

• To provide practical support on implementing activities


Communication Strategies

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Thursday 25th January 1pm until 3pm

Course Description

• Overview of communication issues in dementia

• Communication tips and ideas for care home environments

• Understanding behaviours and how to respond

• Dealing with distress

• Communication methods to try



February 2024                                                     chwefror 2024

Name of Course


Date and Venue


Low cost Reminiscence Therapy

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Friday 9th February 9.30 am to 11.30 am 

Overview of reminiscence therapy

• Interactive session with numerous ideas of reminiscence activities

• Practical support on how to implement the activities and create your own


People Centred Approach to Dementia

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Tuesday 27th February

10 until 12

Course Description

• Overview of person-centred care for someone with dementia

• Introduction to the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy and Reminiscence Therapy

• To equip staff with person centred activities

• To provide practical support on implementing activities


Cognitive Stimulation using the CST approach

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Monday 19th February

12 until 2pm 

Course description:

• Overview of the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy

• Stimulating Activity Ideas based on the CST ethos.

• Tips and Techniques that will help you to run your own engaging activity sessions




MARCH 2024                                                         MAWRTH 2024

Name of Course


Date and Venue


Communication Strategies

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Wednesday March 6th

12 until 2pm

Course Description

• Overview of communication issues in dementia

• Communication tips and ideas for care home environments

• Understanding behaviours and how to respond

• Dealing with distress

• Communication methods to try


Creating a Dementia Friendly Environment

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Thursday 14th March

9.30 to 11.30

Course Description

• Tips for adapting the home

• How to create a safe home for someone with dementia

• Simple adaptations to make a home more comfortable

·         Creating a dementia-friendly environment


Low cost Reminiscence Therapy

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Friday 22nd March 9.30 to 11.30

Overview of reminiscence therapy

• Interactive session with numerous ideas of reminiscence activities

• Practical support on how to implement the activities and create your own


People Centred Approach to Dementia

Appropriate for all staff groups, bands and disciplines that provide support to carers of people living with dementia across Health, social care or third sector care settings.


Effro Dementia Webinar Workshops

Book via Digi Gov or Learning Pool  

Monday 25th March

12 until 2 pm

Course Description

• Overview of person-centred care for someone with dementia

• Introduction to the concepts of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy and Reminiscence Therapy

• To equip staff with person centred activities

• To provide practical support on implementing activities